Wednesday, September 4, 2013


ABOVE ALL the other things I miss about Macau, blue sky is not one of them. Turkey has beautiful clear skies just like Macau,and the place I live is surrounded by so many mountains and several small rivers, which makes this place perfect for my photos' background. Since I'm based in a camp site right now, tailored business attire has been put aside and replaced with more versaitile casual jeans and tees.I shoot these photos after dinner where the sun began to sit peacefully in the hugs of the clear sky and gloomy mountains,also I'd like to ıntroduce you our lovely Charlie, he's four years old and follows us wherever we go. I'm not a dog person but since we have seven dogs two ducks and four chickens here somehow I have experienced the life after retirement and you have to try and make friends with them because sometimes they are the only thing that makes you feel fulfilled.:)

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